
Built the Way You Like It

Lifetime Maintenance

No Upfront Cost

My prices are fair, but good prices aren’t all that you get.  You also get my honesty, 10+ years of experience, complete openness, and a lifetime of full service (see “Plans” tab).

Curt's Web Designs.

You’ll be able to contact me for any reason forever.  In time, a week, months, or even years later, you’ll want to change or add images, or maybe another page.  I say forever; I mean until Jesus returns, then I’m outta here.

I’m unlike freelancers on Fiverr or other places (see Freelancers tab).  I won’t slap a website together, sell it to you, and say “Good Luck.”

I enjoy building websites and helping people.  And yes, I do it also for the money.  But I don’t sell trash, or use bloated and worthless plugins, nor do I offer nonsense services.

You don’t see a “Pay Now” button or anything like that on my site because there is NO UPFRONT COST.  When you shop, whether online or in a brick-and-mortar store, you don’t pay anything until you purchase the product, right? I’m that kind of store, but even better.

If you're looking for a service that comes with no upfront cost, you're in luck! Curt's Web Designs

Plan 1 – you don’t pay for your website until it’s completed.  Yet, if you don’t like it, then you don’t have to purchase it.

Plan 2 – you don’t pay for your website until it’s completed.  And if you don’t like it, you don’t have to purchase it.

Plan 3 – you pay for the services at the beginning of each month, but there is no contract.

Under the “Plans” tab, everything is explained in full detail.

If you decide to hire me, please contact me through one of the buttons above or by using the contact tab to let me know.  I’ll get back to you within 24 hours and you can decide if you would prefer to communicate with me by phone, messenger, Skype, or any other fashion.


I’ll build your website however you want it. I won’t download some pre-made template that was slapped together, I’ll start from scratch.  

In order to begin building your website, I’ll need a few things, which you can send when you first contact me or when I respond back.


  • What type of website do you want?  A blog, e-commerce, personal, education, etc.
  • What pages do you need aside from Home, About, and Contact?
  • Do you want a single page like Online Writer and Tires and More, or multiple pages like this one?  A single page is faster for your viewers, but it’s not SEO-friendly.
  • Do you have a list of keywords that will help your site get noticed throughout the world?
  • Any images you want to be posted.
  • And anything you can think of.

Once I have the website done, you can look at it and let me know of any changes you want.

Those I build websites for are thrilled with them.  Of course, I made all of them for me, except for Tires and More.

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