Below are the six websites I have built, along with their speed test. There are a good number of speed tests, but GTmetrix and Pingdom are the most popular.
The last website is “Jerry and God,” which was the first website I built. The speed test isn’t as good as the others; I didn’t know much back then. I now update everything, and I’ve made a few changes, and cleaned it up a bit, but that’s it.
At one time GTmetrix gave “Jerry and God” an F, so I worked on it and the F became a D, and now it’s a B. There are many reasons why a website becomes sluggish. Large and/or unoptimized images, or just to many of them can certainly cause this to happen. The “Jerry and God” site has over 1,000 images.
I get around 24,000 visitors a month on the “Jerry and God” site. That’s nothing big, but I haven’t done anything in regards to SEO, Schema, or Alt Text. Imagine how many visitors I’ll get once I take care of that.
You can test them yourself if you wish at GTmetrix and Pingdom.